24-04-2018, 03:33
24-04-2018, 18:38
(24-04-2018, 03:33 )Pietrox46 Ha scritto: [ -> ]Sull ultima domanda non saprei aiutarti,si comunque prova quei tagli e dicci un pò come va
Perfetto, questa sera mi ci applico e vi dirò come va.

26-04-2018, 19:18
(24-04-2018, 03:33 )Pietrox46 Ha scritto: [ -> ]Sull ultima domanda non saprei aiutarti,si comunque prova quei tagli e dicci un pò come va
Con questi tagli ho risolto il problema, i miei DT si sono finalmente aperti e il suono nasale si è attenuato. L'unico problema è che ciò ha modificato il comportamento dei woofer ma avendo iniziato a capire come funziona il crossover elettronico della 193 troverò sicuramente il giusto compromesso con degli aggiustamenti.
27-04-2018, 11:56
Ciao io li ho, filtrati in passivo con non troppi watt suonano bene sempre..
In attivo invece, suonano bene se liberi dal medio basso. .
Ossia.. ora li ho a 3200 12db con i mw a 1600 12db..
Li ho provati anche a 4000 6db con I mw a 1000 6db e andavano bene anche, xo perdevo sinergia
Io li oriento incrociandoli dal cruscotto poco oltre lo specchietto inclinati sui 60gradi..
X le frequenze se sai l inglese avrei questo..
1. Increase to add more fullness to lowest frequency instruments like foot, toms, and the bass. Peak equalization with a 1.4 Q.
2. Reduce to decrease the "boom" of the bass and will increase overtones and the recognition of bass line in the mix. This is most often used on loud bass lines like rock. Shelf equalization.
1. Increase to add a harder bass sound to lowest frequency instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
2. Increase to add fullness to guitars, snare. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0..
3. Increase to add warmth to piano and horns. Peak Equalization. For piano use a Q of 1.0. With horn use a Q of 1.4..
4. Reduce to remove boom on guitars & increase clarity. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
1. Increase to add fullness to vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0..
2. Increase to add fullness to snare and guitar ( harder sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease muddiness of vocals or mid-range instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Reduce to decrease gong sound of cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add clarity to bass lines especially when speakers are at low volume. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Reduce to decrease "cardboard" sound of lower drums (foot and toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease ambiance on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0. Alternately try a shelf EQ with a 320 Hz frequency setting.
1. Increase for clarity and "punch" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Reduce to remove "cheap" sound of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for "clarity" and "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4..
2. Reduce to remove dullness of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for more "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Increase for more attack of electric / acoustic guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Increase for more attack on low piano parts. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more clarity / hardness on voice. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
5. Reduce to increase breathy, soft sound on background vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to disguise out-of-tune vocals / guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
7. Increase for more attack on the snare or other drums. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
1. Increase for vocal presence. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase low frequency drum attack ( foot / toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase for more "finger sound" on bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Increase attack of piano, acoustic guitar and brightness on guitars (especially rock guitars). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to make background parts more distant. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to soften "thin" guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add attack on low frequency drums ( more metallic sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
2. Increase to add attack to percussion instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase on dull singer. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more "finger sound" on acoustic bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 2.8. Sweep frequency slightly (between 7 kHz and 8 kHz) to find the "exact" frequency of the S
6. Increase to add sharpness to synthesizers, rock guitars, acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase for "light brightness" in acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase for hardness on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals (breath sound). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase to brighten cymbals, string instruments and flutes. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase to make sampled synthesizer sound more real. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
cleen version
useful frequencies for several instruments:
Voice: presence (5 kHz), sibilance (7.5 - 10 kHz), boominess (200 - 240 kHz), fullness (120 Hz)
Electric Guitar: fullness (240 Hz), bite (2.5 kHz), air / sizzle (8 kHz)
Bass Guitar: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), attack (700 - 1000 Hz), string noise (2.5 kHz)
Snare Drum: fatness (240 Hz), crispness (5 kHz)
Kick Drum: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), slap (4 kHz)
Hi Hat & Cymbals: sizzle (7.5 - 10 kHz), clank (200 Hz)
Toms: attack (5 kHz), fullness (120 - 240 Hz)
Acoustic Guitar: harshness / bite (2 kHz), boominess (120 - 200 Hz), cut (7 - 10 kHz)
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
In attivo invece, suonano bene se liberi dal medio basso. .
Ossia.. ora li ho a 3200 12db con i mw a 1600 12db..
Li ho provati anche a 4000 6db con I mw a 1000 6db e andavano bene anche, xo perdevo sinergia
Io li oriento incrociandoli dal cruscotto poco oltre lo specchietto inclinati sui 60gradi..
X le frequenze se sai l inglese avrei questo..
1. Increase to add more fullness to lowest frequency instruments like foot, toms, and the bass. Peak equalization with a 1.4 Q.
2. Reduce to decrease the "boom" of the bass and will increase overtones and the recognition of bass line in the mix. This is most often used on loud bass lines like rock. Shelf equalization.
1. Increase to add a harder bass sound to lowest frequency instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
2. Increase to add fullness to guitars, snare. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0..
3. Increase to add warmth to piano and horns. Peak Equalization. For piano use a Q of 1.0. With horn use a Q of 1.4..
4. Reduce to remove boom on guitars & increase clarity. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
1. Increase to add fullness to vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0..
2. Increase to add fullness to snare and guitar ( harder sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease muddiness of vocals or mid-range instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Reduce to decrease gong sound of cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add clarity to bass lines especially when speakers are at low volume. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Reduce to decrease "cardboard" sound of lower drums (foot and toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease ambiance on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0. Alternately try a shelf EQ with a 320 Hz frequency setting.
1. Increase for clarity and "punch" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Reduce to remove "cheap" sound of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for "clarity" and "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4..
2. Reduce to remove dullness of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for more "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Increase for more attack of electric / acoustic guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Increase for more attack on low piano parts. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more clarity / hardness on voice. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
5. Reduce to increase breathy, soft sound on background vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to disguise out-of-tune vocals / guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
7. Increase for more attack on the snare or other drums. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
1. Increase for vocal presence. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase low frequency drum attack ( foot / toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase for more "finger sound" on bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Increase attack of piano, acoustic guitar and brightness on guitars (especially rock guitars). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to make background parts more distant. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to soften "thin" guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add attack on low frequency drums ( more metallic sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
2. Increase to add attack to percussion instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase on dull singer. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more "finger sound" on acoustic bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 2.8. Sweep frequency slightly (between 7 kHz and 8 kHz) to find the "exact" frequency of the S
6. Increase to add sharpness to synthesizers, rock guitars, acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase for "light brightness" in acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase for hardness on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals (breath sound). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase to brighten cymbals, string instruments and flutes. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase to make sampled synthesizer sound more real. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
cleen version
useful frequencies for several instruments:
Voice: presence (5 kHz), sibilance (7.5 - 10 kHz), boominess (200 - 240 kHz), fullness (120 Hz)
Electric Guitar: fullness (240 Hz), bite (2.5 kHz), air / sizzle (8 kHz)
Bass Guitar: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), attack (700 - 1000 Hz), string noise (2.5 kHz)
Snare Drum: fatness (240 Hz), crispness (5 kHz)
Kick Drum: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), slap (4 kHz)
Hi Hat & Cymbals: sizzle (7.5 - 10 kHz), clank (200 Hz)
Toms: attack (5 kHz), fullness (120 - 240 Hz)
Acoustic Guitar: harshness / bite (2 kHz), boominess (120 - 200 Hz), cut (7 - 10 kHz)
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
27-04-2018, 12:04
(27-04-2018, 11:56 )Ministryofsound Ha scritto: [ -> ]Ciao io li ho, filtrati in passivo con non troppi watt suonano bene sempre..Comunque il nasale non lo risolvi con l eq secondo me..
In attivo invece, suonano bene se liberi dal medio basso. .
Ossia.. ora li ho a 3200 12db con i mw a 1600 12db..
Li ho provati anche a 4000 6db con I mw a 1000 6db e andavano bene anche, xo perdevo la presenza dei mediobassi
Io li oriento incrociandoli dal cruscotto poco oltre lo specchietto inclinati sui 60gradi..
X le frequenze se sai l inglese avrei questo..
1. Increase to add more fullness to lowest frequency instruments like foot, toms, and the bass. Peak equalization with a 1.4 Q.
2. Reduce to decrease the "boom" of the bass and will increase overtones and the recognition of bass line in the mix. This is most often used on loud bass lines like rock. Shelf equalization.
1. Increase to add a harder bass sound to lowest frequency instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
2. Increase to add fullness to guitars, snare. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0..
3. Increase to add warmth to piano and horns. Peak Equalization. For piano use a Q of 1.0. With horn use a Q of 1.4..
4. Reduce to remove boom on guitars & increase clarity. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4..
1. Increase to add fullness to vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0..
2. Increase to add fullness to snare and guitar ( harder sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease muddiness of vocals or mid-range instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Reduce to decrease gong sound of cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add clarity to bass lines especially when speakers are at low volume. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Reduce to decrease "cardboard" sound of lower drums (foot and toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Reduce to decrease ambiance on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 0.7 to 1.0. Alternately try a shelf EQ with a 320 Hz frequency setting.
1. Increase for clarity and "punch" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Reduce to remove "cheap" sound of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for "clarity" and "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4..
2. Reduce to remove dullness of guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase for more "pluck" of bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
2. Increase for more attack of electric / acoustic guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
3. Increase for more attack on low piano parts. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more clarity / hardness on voice. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
5. Reduce to increase breathy, soft sound on background vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to disguise out-of-tune vocals / guitars. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
7. Increase for more attack on the snare or other drums. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
1. Increase for vocal presence. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase low frequency drum attack ( foot / toms). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase for more "finger sound" on bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Increase attack of piano, acoustic guitar and brightness on guitars (especially rock guitars). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to make background parts more distant. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
6. Reduce to soften "thin" guitar. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
1. Increase to add attack on low frequency drums ( more metallic sound ). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
2. Increase to add attack to percussion instruments. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
3. Increase on dull singer. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
4. Increase for more "finger sound" on acoustic bass. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
5. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 2.8. Sweep frequency slightly (between 7 kHz and 8 kHz) to find the "exact" frequency of the S
6. Increase to add sharpness to synthesizers, rock guitars, acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0 to 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase for "light brightness" in acoustic guitar and piano. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase for hardness on cymbals. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
4. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4.
1. Increase to brighten vocals (breath sound). Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
2. Increase to brighten cymbals, string instruments and flutes. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.0.
3. Increase to make sampled synthesizer sound more real. Peak Equalization with a Q of 1.4 to 2.8.
cleen version
useful frequencies for several instruments:
Voice: presence (5 kHz), sibilance (7.5 - 10 kHz), boominess (200 - 240 kHz), fullness (120 Hz)
Electric Guitar: fullness (240 Hz), bite (2.5 kHz), air / sizzle (8 kHz)
Bass Guitar: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), attack (700 - 1000 Hz), string noise (2.5 kHz)
Snare Drum: fatness (240 Hz), crispness (5 kHz)
Kick Drum: bottom (60 - 80 Hz), slap (4 kHz)
Hi Hat & Cymbals: sizzle (7.5 - 10 kHz), clank (200 Hz)
Toms: attack (5 kHz), fullness (120 - 240 Hz)
Acoustic Guitar: harshness / bite (2 kHz), boominess (120 - 200 Hz), cut (7 - 10 kHz)
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
Se vuoi le voci più taglienti togli a 400hz e senti com e xo perdi altrove..
E poi potrebbe non andar bene se cambi cd brano ecc.

Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
27-04-2018, 14:16
Ma infatti non stavamo parlando di eq.
27-04-2018, 20:09
(27-04-2018, 14:16 )Maverix Ha scritto: [ -> ]Ma infatti non stavamo parlando di eq."Un'altra cosa volevo chiedervi, il suono nasale a quale gamma di frequenze appartiene? E quello cristallino?"
Ho letto questo x cui avendoli, mi son permesso di rispondere.. cmq se togli a 1600hz qualcosa ottieni in questo senso..
Nel mio caso, dando tanti watt ai mw , quel range viene interpretato non cosi bene x cui poi i tweeter lo sottolineano.
L unica era tagliare prima il mw.
Se hai un 2 vie non puoi sentire il medio che non c è.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
27-04-2018, 20:15
(27-04-2018, 20:09 )Ministryofsound Ha scritto: [ -> ]E cmq dovresti aprire l orientamento verso l ascolto x sentirli bene, cosi si chiudono..(27-04-2018, 14:16 )Maverix Ha scritto: [ -> ]Ma infatti non stavamo parlando di eq."Un'altra cosa volevo chiedervi, il suono nasale a quale gamma di frequenze appartiene? E quello cristallino?"
Ho letto questo x cui avendoli, mi son permesso di rispondere.. cmq se togli a 1600hz qualcosa ottieni in questo senso..
Nel mio caso, dando tanti watt ai mw , quel range viene interpretato non cosi bene x cui poi i tweeter lo sottolineano.
L unica era tagliare prima il mw.
Se hai un 2 vie non puoi sentire il medio che non c è.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
27-04-2018, 21:58
(27-04-2018, 20:15 )Ministryofsound Ha scritto: [ -> ]Non so che dire, un infinito grazie. Il vademecum postato mi sarà molto utile, attraverso una ricerca su internet ho trovato la fonte, http://www.recordinginstitute.com/da154/.../asp3.html, me la stampo all'istante e mi metto a studiare. Inoltre proverò i valori da te suggeriti, son sicuro che i DT potranno dare ancora meglio. Nel settaggio del mio 2 vie però devo sempre tener conto del grosso limite dato dall'HV165, è un MW che non si estende gran che oltre i 2000hz (tant'è che dal grafico oltre i 2000 c'è proprio un buco), per questo pensai che i dt fossero adatti visto la loro propensione a scendere. Il risultato però è stato tutt'altro, i 2 componenti sono difficili da far amalgamare bene, specie con una 193bt. Però con una certa cura nel settaggio riesco sempre a migliorare e vedrò fermando l'HV un po' prima cosa succederà.(27-04-2018, 20:09 )Ministryofsound Ha scritto: [ -> ]"Un'altra cosa volevo chiedervi, il suono nasale a quale gamma di frequenze appartiene? E quello cristallino?"E cmq dovresti aprire l orientamento verso l ascolto x sentirli bene, cosi si chiudono..
Ho letto questo x cui avendoli, mi son permesso di rispondere.. cmq se togli a 1600hz qualcosa ottieni in questo senso..
Nel mio caso, dando tanti watt ai mw , quel range viene interpretato non cosi bene x cui poi i tweeter lo sottolineano.
L unica era tagliare prima il mw.
Se hai un 2 vie non puoi sentire il medio che non c è.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
27-04-2018, 23:08
(27-04-2018, 21:58 )Carlotuned Ha scritto: [ -> ]Figurati..(27-04-2018, 20:15 )Ministryofsound Ha scritto: [ -> ]E cmq dovresti aprire l orientamento verso l ascolto x sentirli bene, cosi si chiudono..Non so che dire, un infinito grazie. Il vademecum postato mi sarà molto utile, attraverso una ricerca su internet ho trovato la fonte, http://www.recordinginstitute.com/da154/.../asp3.html, me la stampo all'istante e mi metto a studiare. Inoltre proverò i valori da te suggeriti, son sicuro che i DT potranno dare ancora meglio. Nel settaggio del mio 2 vie però devo sempre tener conto del grosso limite dato dall'HV165, è un MW che non si estende gran che oltre i 2000hz (tant'è che dal grafico oltre i 2000 c'è proprio un buco), per questo pensai che i dt fossero adatti visto la loro propensione a scendere. Il risultato però è stato tutt'altro, i 2 componenti sono difficili da far amalgamare bene, specie con una 193bt. Però con una certa cura nel settaggio riesco sempre a migliorare e vedrò fermando l'HV un po' prima cosa succederà.
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk
Comunque i tweeter suonano bene veramente ma non devono guardarsi, se poi i woofer fanno troppo, senti male..
I 1600hz sono competenza di un mw ma li senti nello spazio dei tweeter, se sali ancora peggiori ..
Purtroppo a qualcosa bisogna rinunciare nel 2 vie..
Stai lontano dai limiti fisici degli ap e arrivaci con l attenuazione.., che meno toglie e meglio senti, meglio 1kz a 6d che 2000 a 12db..
Personalmento ho notato quanto sia meglio far incontrare piuttosto che incrociare mw e tweeter
Se poi ascolti rock vedrai che gli eq in default hanno valori negativi già da molto prima, x cui su un 2 vie va pure bene
Inviato dal mio SM-T335 utilizzando Tapatalk